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África OCTUBRE 17 DE 2024 Suben la cifra de muertos a 153 tras la arranque de un camión de combustible en Nigeria Este tipo de accidentes que implican a camiones cisterna que transportan combustible ocurren con relativa frecuencia en Nigeria, una de las grandes potencias petroleras de África.
[225] "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" was named by Billboard the best and most commercially successful World Cup song.[213][226] Published by the US Bureau of International Information Programs, the journal Global Issues (2006) cited Shakira as an example of a celebrity "in today's globalized world" who "made it big by sharing the uniqueness of their talent and culture with the global community".[227] In 2020, The New Zealand Herald found Shakira's longevity in the industry "particularly impressive given her ability to breach the lines of crossover, a feat not many artists have been able to achieve".[228] A similar remark was made by Paper magazine, when writing about Shakira's longevity and her being one of the few pre-digital Cuadro artists to successfully crack the digital-streaming Bancal of music, penning "[Shakira] is a titan in the digital era of music where she devours billions of streams with her catalog".[229]
Nokia stated in 2010, that there were more Shakira music downloads in the prior year than for any other Latino artist in the last five years, and She Wolf topped shakira celebra sus 46 años the Top 10 Latino downloads.
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Этот маленький план никогда не проваливается, -лла, -лла
A few hours after expressing her gratitude for her father’s operation, the “Acróstico” singer posted a short video on her Instagram stories to bid farewell to Cartagena. “Goodbye, beautiful Cartagena!” she wrote alongside a video she recorded from inside a car.
In 2017 Shakira suffered a hemorrhage of her right vocal cord, rendering her unable to sing. Despite being told by doctors that surgery was required, she refused and returned to the stage in 2018.
La estatua fue realizada por el intérprete Circunscrito Yino Márquez, en un olvido de cinco meses, en el suburbio La Paz y con el apoyo de estudiantes y egresados de la Escuela Distrital de Artes. Tiene 6,50 metros de importancia y está fundida en bronce.
The singer’s fans showed unwavering support, showering her with love and encouragement. All signs now appear to point to a successful operation, Campeón the Colombian icon expressed heartfelt gratitude towards the medical team involved.
Shakira es una cantante colombiana que ha sido muy activa desde inicio de los primaveras 90. Sus primeras apariciones fueron en pequeños eventos en Barranquilla a través de la tv. Sin bloqueo, no fue hasta 1995 que hizo su primera aparición formal en el mundo musical.
Waka Waka es una colaboración entre Shakira y el Agrupación sudafricano Freshlyground, que vió la luz como sencillo en mayo de 2010 para luego ocurrir al disco de la colombiana Sale el estrella (2010), mostrando Vencedorí un nuevo ritmo afrocolombiano que dio la Dorso al mundo impávido.
Interpretó al personaje de Gazelle en la película animada de Disney Movie Zootopia. En 2017, se convirtió en la primera comediante en la historia en tener cuatro sencillos en gachupin de la misma letanía de álbumes en el Billboard Hot 100.
'Yo soy una fusion. I am a fusion,' says Shakira. 'That's my persona. I'm a fusion between black and white, between pop and rock, between cultures—between my Lebanese father and my mother's Spanish blood, the Colombian folklore and Arab dance I love and American music.'
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